This example actively searches a contacts database as the user enters text.
(def data
[{:name "Joe Smith" :email ""}
{:name "Angie MacDowell" :email ""}
{:name "Fuqua Tarkenton" :email ""}
{:name "Kim Yee" :email ""}])
(defn tr [{:keys [name email]}]
[:tr [:td name] [:td email]])
(defcomponent ^:endpoint active-search [req search]
(let [search (.toLowerCase search)]
(->> data
(filter #(-> % :name .toLowerCase (.contains search)))
(map tr))))
(def ring-handler
(fn [req]
;; page renders initial html
[:h3 "Search Contacts"]
{:type "text" :name "search" :placeholder "Search e.g. Joe"
:hx-post "active-search" :hx-trigger "keyup changed delay:500ms"
:hx-target "#search-results"}]
[:img {:src "../../bars.svg"}] " Searching..."]
[:tr [:th "Name"] [:th "Email"]]]
(active-search req "")]]])))
The input issues a POST to rows on the keyup event and sets the body of the table to be the resulting content.
We add the delay:500ms modifier to the trigger to delay sending the query until the user stops typing. Additionally, we add the changed modifier to the trigger to ensure we don’t send new queries when the user doesn’t change the value of the input (e.g. they hit an arrow key).
Finally, we show an indicator when the search is in flight with the hx-indicator attribute.
Name | |
Joe Smith | |
Angie MacDowell | |
Fuqua Tarkenton | |
Kim Yee | |