simpleui tutorial examples docs source

Bulk Update

This demo shows how to implement a common pattern where rows are selected and then bulk updated. This is accomplished by putting a form around a table, with checkboxes in the table.

(def init-data
  [{:name "Joe Smith" :email "" :status "Inactive"}
   {:name "Angie MacDowell" :email "" :status "Inactive"}
   {:name "Fuqua Tarkenton" :email "" :status "Inactive"}
   {:name "Kim Yee"	:email ""	:status "Inactive"}])

(defn- set-status [status data i]
  (update data i assoc :status status))

(defn-parse update-data [{:keys [^:edn data ^:longs ids status]} _]
  {:ids (set ids)
   :data (reduce (partial set-status status) data ids)
   :status status})

(defn tr [ids action i {:keys [name email status]}]
  [:tr {:class (when (contains? ids i) action)}
   [:td [:input {:type "checkbox" :name "ids" :value i :checked (contains? ids i)}]]
   [:td name]
   [:td email]
   [:td status]])

(defcomponent ^:endpoint ^{:params update-data} update-form [req ids ^:json data status]
  [:form {:id id :hx-target "this"}
   [:input {:type "hidden" :name "data" :value (pr-str data)}]
     [:tr [:th] [:th "Name"] [:th "Email"] [:th "Status"]]]
    [:tbody (map-indexed (partial tr ids status) data)]]
    {:hx-put "update-form"
     :hx-vals {:status "Active"}}
    {:hx-put "update-form"
     :hx-vals {:status "Inactive"}}

(def ring-handler
  (fn [req]
    ;; page renders initial html
      (update-form req #{} init-data nil))))
Joe Smithjoe@smith.orgInactive
Angie MacDowellangie@macdowell.orgInactive
Fuqua Tarkentonfuqua@tarkenton.orgInactive
Kim Yeekim@yee.orgInactive

We use the .htmx-settling class to flash the rows when they change status

.htmx-settling tr.Inactive {
  background: lightcoral;
  transition: all 0s;
.htmx-settling tr.Active {
  background: darkseagreen;
  transition: all 0s;
tr {
  transition: all 1.2s;