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Delete Row

This example shows how to implement a delete button that removes a table row upon completion.

(def data
  [{:name "Joe Smith" :email ""}
   {:name "Angie MacDowell" :email ""}
   {:name "Fuqua Tarkenton" :email ""}
   {:name "Kim Yee"	:email ""}])

(defcomponent ^:endpoint tr [{:keys [request-method]} name email]
  (if (= :delete request-method)
      [:td name]
      [:td email]
      [:td "Active"]
      [:td [:button.btn.btn-danger {:hx-delete "tr"} "Delete"]]]))

(def ring-handler
  (fn [req]
    ;; page renders initial html
          [:tr [:th "Name"] [:th "Email"] [:th "Status"] [:th]]]
        [:tbody {:hx-confirm "Are you sure?" :hx-target "closest tr" :hx-swap "outerHTML swap:0.5s"}
          (simpleui.rt/map-indexed tr req data)]])))
Joe Smithjoe@smith.orgActive
Angie MacDowellangie@macdowell.orgActive
Fuqua Tarkentonfuqua@tarkenton.orgActive
Kim Yeekim@yee.orgActive

The table body has a hx-confirm attribute to confirm the delete action. It also set the target to be the closest tr that is, the closest table row, for all the buttons. The swap specification in hx-swap says to swap the entire target out and to wait 0.5 seconds after receiving a response. This is so that we can use the following CSS:

  tr.htmx-swapping {
      opacity: 0;
      transition: opacity 0.5s;