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Inline Validation

This example shows how to do inline field validation, in this case of an email address.

(defcomponent ^:endpoint email [req email]
  (let [valid? (contains? #{"" ""} email)]
    [:div {:hx-target "this"}
     [ "Email Address"]
     [:input {:name "email" :value email :hx-get "email" :class (if valid? "mr" "mr error")}]
     [:img.htmx-indicator {:src "../../bars.svg"}]
     (when-not valid?
       [:div.error-message "That email is already taken.  Please enter another email."])]))

(defn- input-group [label name]
   [ label] [:input {:type "text" :name name}]])

(def ring-handler
  (fn [req]
    ;; page renders initial html
       [:h3 "Signup Form"]
        (email req "")
        (input-group "First Name" "first-name")
        (input-group "Last Name" "last-name")]])))

Signup Form

This form can be lightly styled with this CSS:

.error-message {
.error input {
  box-shadow: 0 0 3px #CC0000;

.htmx-request + .htmx-indicator {
  opacity: 1;